Dr Steve Carver
Steve has over 30 years’ experience in using and developing GIS models in spatial analysis and environmental modelling.
He has built an international reputation in applying these to wilderness, wild land and rewilding problems across the world including Scotland, the UK, France, Iceland, Europe, the USA, Mexico, and China.
He is an expert in multi-criteria decision analysis, visual impact assessment, remoteness modelling and participatory approaches, and has authored well over 100 articles and policy documents on these topics.
He has been instrumental in developing wilderness and wild land policy in Scotland and Iceland and is co-Chair of the IUCN Rewilding Thematic Group. He has worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer at the University of Leeds for nearly 30 years.
When he’s not drawing maps or talking about GIS models of wilderness, Steve enjoys being outdoors (walking, backpacking, camping, ski touring) and riding/restoring old motorcycles.
BSc (Hons) Geography, University of Huddersfield
PhD from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Eddie Carver
Data Analyst, Web Content Manager
Eddie graduated from Northumbria university with a Bsc Honours in geography, with a dissertation on experimental modelling and novel GIS methods of analysing terrestrial and non-terrestrial fluvial landforms, with specific reference to Kasei Valles on Mars.
Working with Wildland Research Limited, Eddie has several years of experience in consultancy, and has completed multiple contracts for various clients, both as a part of the team and as the sole author.
When not working with WRLtd, He works as a consultant Environmental Scientist with other firms, enjoys the great outdoors, indulges in amateur blacksmithing and is attempting to write a novel.
BSc(Hons) Geography, Northumbria University Newcastle
Ben Carver
Senior Data Analyst
Ben is an Environmental Consultant specialising in Spatial Analysis working for Wildland Research Limited.
Initially joining the Wildland Research Institute after graduating from Newcastle University in 2020 where he gained an understanding for environmental impact assessment, geographic information systems, pollution control and contaminated land.
While working for Wildland Research he has contributed on a range of projects covering wildland impact assessments, hazard identification and multi-criteria decision analysis.
BSc (Hons) Cellular and Molecular Biology, Newcastle University
Msc Environmental Consultancy, Newcastle University
Dr Jonathan Carruthers-Jones
Consultant, Mapping Expert
Jonathan has worked on mapping connectivity and wilderness for over a decade. He has experience of working on large scale connectivity conservation projects such as the Great Mountain Corridor project in south-western Europe.
He was Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the ‘Where are the wild things?’, Arctic Interactions Project, University of Oulu, Finland.
He is a member of the IUCN-WCPA Mountains Biome Network and a member of the wilderness working group of French IUCN ‘Wilderness et nature férale’ where he has recently led work on the first wilderness map of France. He lives in the French Pyrenees and after finishing his homework, manages to spend a good amount of time wandering the hills.
MSc Sustainable Mountain Development Multidisciplinary PhD
2013 Royal Geographical Society PERG prize for best UK MSc Dissertation in Environmental Planning
Oliver Kenyon
Consultant, Mapping Expert
Oliver is GIS Consultant specialising in remote sensing and raster data analysis who works for Wildlife Research Limited.
He specialises in repairing and fixing high resolution datasets that are missing data and contain artefacts. He has work on multiple projects within the UK and Iceland including:
• Preparation of the ARCTICDEM for use in the Hvala and Drangajokull wilderness impact projects.
• Using Historical Data to predict if the highlands in Scotland were “emptied or empty” for the John Muir Trust.
Between Projects he works on High Resolution data for a local authorities GIS department using drones to make Orthomosaic maps. Oliver enjoys rock climbing, riding bikes, swimming and building an assortment of electronics (for example Drones and computers) in his free time.
BSc Geography, Univerity of Bangor
MSc River Basin Dynamics and Management with GIS, University of Leeds